Le Phare, Enfants et Familles

We have exceeded the matched gift of $10,000!

Continue to donate to reach the goal of $100,000 in support of children and their families.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.100000$Raised 60000$ towards the 100000$ target.60000$Raised 60000$ towards the 100000$ target.60%

Thank you for your generosity!

EVERY DONATION COUNTS, whether it is small or large! By supporting Le Phare, you offer respite, accompaniment and bereavement follow-up to the families of children with life-shortening illnesses and contribute to the implementation of best practices in pediatric palliative care.

© [#this year :%Y] Le Phare. Registration number of the organization: 87808 9721 RR0001